
The differences between a website and magazine.

Top of the pops magazine and Top of the pops magazine.

1.     What are the similarities and differences between the magazine and the website?

·      The colour scheme.
·      The same fonts and styles of writing.
·      They each have gothic type fonts that are big bold black and have lines going through it which creates a gothic effect.


·      Presentation for example the layout
·      The different features such of a magazine which are not found on a website mag such as price barcode.
·      Only a few main features of articles on the front page of the paper mag whereas the online has quite a few more than the magazine.
·      Magazine: Has a contents, The online magazine: has links which navigate you to a certain page.
·      Moving images whereas the paper on cannot have moving images.

Are there any special facilities?
2.     Special facilities: On the website you are able to view videos listen to music you can also shop online and buy stuff and have it sent to you whereas on a paper magazine you cannot. In the magazine there is more detail put into a magazine. The magazine is easier so read as it has an easy contents unlike the online magazine as I find it hard to understand the navigation online and its harder to find what I want to read/view. In the paper magazine there are more clearer advertisements to encourage you to get freebies and so on.

Write a paragraph about how to navigate around the site is it easy to find your way round what could be better or different
3.     Navigation: The navigation is hard on the website as a new viewer I didn’t understand how to find certain information I had to search rather than be able to quickly view what I wanted to make this better I think that they should have a search button where it will navigate what you want through typing in a key word.

Is the website easier to read or more accessible than the magazine which do you prefer
4.     Accessibility: The magazine is easy to read, however there is a lot of detail into each article meaning that reading the articles is quite time consuming whereas online the articles are a lot shorter and easier to read they also help you understand better as people have commented on them which allows you to gain information as well as get an idea of how to feel about a certain subject.
5.     Own owns the magazine what other magazines do they produce as well
6.     Who is currently the editor of the magazine can you find any information in the editor/ their style/ the direction they are taking the magazine.

Front cover research.

The front cover of the magazine ‘Vibe’.
The photographer uses a close up shot. The angle is a bit lower than being level with the man. There is no setting or background the background is plain the image is focused upon the man and nothing else. The picture has dull black colours. There is an artificial light upon the man’s upper body. The man is posed and staring into the camera.
By using a close up the photographer sets across an idea that the man is important and someone who is usually in the public eye. He also does this by the man having a glare which makes the viewer feel dominated. The fact that he is the only image on the front cover also adds to he’s significance. By using an artificial light is sends out the idea that he is famous as the artificial light resembles the flash of cameras. He’s glare is dominating and also highlights he’s importance.
The lack of colour within the front cover by only using yellow black and white allows you to focus more on what you will find out within the magazine rather than having many colours that can distract and confuse you.

Double page spread.

Magazine contents page.

Magazine front cover.